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I enjoy working together with business leaders to solve objectives with information management, statistical and predictive modeling, and critical decision making. My passion is driving growth and improving efficiencies around business goals.
I am passionate about finding data solutions related to media, audience development, sports and public data. Natural language processing (NLP) and sentiment analysis interests me as well. I am adaptive to several technologies from open-source to licensed solutions. I am driven by an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset to find solutions to business challenges. I thrive in goal-driven environments working with other talented professionals toward collaborative goals.
I earned my Master of Science in Business Analytics degree from the University of Denver in 2019.
I have experience in several programming languages including Python, R and SQL. I also am passionate about developing accurate predictive models using machine learning techniques such as Regression, Logistic Regression and Clustering. I prefer developing dashboard visualizations in Microsoft Power BI and Tableau.
My recent professional experience as a consultant includes working with firms specializing in accounts receivable management, commercial insurance and political consulting.
These projects broadly involve using business analytics methods to develop solutions to achieve business outcomes. Applications included a thorough data audit in relation to business objectives, statistical solutions using predictive modeling methods, and data dashboard development.My consultancy work governed by non-disclosure agreements.